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Firewall and UDP


Disable bound port 53 from systemd​


Hetzner Server​

CLoud-Config, copy/paste to the cloud console


- hping3
package_update: true

- printf "[Resolve]\nDNS=\nFallbackDNS=\nDNSStubListener=no\n" > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
- ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
- reboot now

Step 1: Create 2 Hetzner Servers​

Create 2 servers with it, e.g.: local and remote.

Step 2: Let them talk​

Ensure, both can

  • ping each other
  • can connect ovr natcat (nc):
# local - ip:
nc -u -l -p 14141

# remote - ip:
echo "hello" | nc -p 53 -u 14141

--> this shall output "hello" on locals terminal

local nc command explained

  • -u use UDP Protocol
  • -l listen for incoming connections
  • -p the port on which nc listens

remote nc command explained

  • -p the destination port: 53 is used for UDP
  • -u use UDP Protocol
  • the ip address of the destination (local)

Step 3: Create a Firewall​

Create with Hetzner a Firewall in front of the local Server

Ensure, that now the example above does not work anymore.

Step 4: Screw a hole into the firewall​

Open a second console on local and create with hping3 a packet for the remote server. Because the request is now outgoing, the firewall let's it pass through and waits for responses. Clearly no answer is received, since on the remote no UDP service is listening on port 53.

# local/2  - ip:
hping3 --count 1 --udp --baseport 14141 -p 53


  • --count (-c) number of packets to send
  • --udp (-2) use udp protocol (0: raw ip mode
  • --baseport (-s) the outgoing port to use - it must be the one where ncis listening
  • -p destination port: udp port 53

now try again and the "hello" shall appear 🥳